Hi Friend, I'm Colby Martin.


For the past 20 years I've been studying the Bible as a Pastor, seeking to better understand God, myself, and the world around me.

I've come to see that Jesus was right: the most important thing in life really is LOVE.

My Story


I was born and raised in conservative, evangelical Christianity. As such, I believed (because I was taught) that the Bible--and therefore, God--was against homosexuality.


But then I actually studied the passages for myself, and everything changed.


Turns out, an honest and thorough review of the Clobber Passages reveals that there is no Biblical justification to discriminate against those who identify LGBTQ.


And that's why I do this UnClobber work. Because as Jesus once said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

Author, Digital Pastor, and More

Learn more about me and my work by visiting my website.

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